GPT opens up many possibilities for companies and their data
We offer solutions
Knowledge management, process automation or customer support: A large language model like GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) can be used in many ways. Together, we find out whether and how the technology fits your company. We align our service with your experience.
How we achieve our goal
Our formats to discover and use GPT: From 4-hour workshops and Data Thinking in 2 days to 5-day pilot projects and launching an MVP – we adapt to your needs.
Our key
We underpin GPT with three disciplines: Cloud Architecture, Digital Design and Data Science. We connect your IT architecture to the Large Language Model (LLM), design interfaces for the best possible experience and let the LLM work directly on your domain data.
FILM OFF: Holger Wolff on the topic of GPT
Is GPT really relevant for our customers?
Where can GPT already be applied in the company?
How do we work with Microsoft in the area of GPT?

Data protection and IT security
GPT as a service on Microsoft Azure
Data Protection: As of May 5, 2023, Microsoft operates GPT (“Azure OpenAI Service”) as Azure Core Online Service in the EU compliant with the GDPR and the Azure Data Protection Addendum.
IT security: The Azure OpenAI Service runs entirely within the Azure infrastructure and, in particular, does not use any APIs from OpenAI.
The technology enables seamless human-machine interaction with natural conversations. It extends classic NLP tasks with new features such as text classification, information retrieval or code generation.
As a top software development partner for Azure in Germany, Microsoft certifies our expertise in multiple competence awards in gold and silver. We were the first German partner to receive the “Kubernetes on Microsoft Azure Advanced Specialization”.

Chat with your data
We explain in the white paper how you can use GPT to get the best out of your company data and thus for your success.
Our services for Large Language Models
This is how GPT comes to your company
From workshops to pilot projects: We adapt our range of services to the needs of our customers.
4-hour workshop: Gain overview
Together we will dive into the world of GPT as a service in Microsoft Azure. You will get a feel for the technology, learn what can be realized with it and what potential it has. Our experts explain how Large Language Models can be used through prompting.
We deal with standards like text summaries, chatbots or cognitive search and pave the way to more complex applications. We adapt the exact agenda and technical depth to your level of expertise.
2 days of Data Thinking: GPT in your company
This interactive workshop provides an overview of GPT as it is available on Microsoft Azure. Your teams identify concrete use cases using the design thinking method. They understand what the technology can do and what implementation steps are necessary.
Together, we create a customer journey for a selected use case: We match potentials and risks with your customer journey and address data protection, data security, and ethical issues regarding artificial intelligence.
5 days pilot project: Prototyping GPT
In 5 days we implement your use case in a project. We implement a working GPT solution on your Azure infrastructure or on a demonstrator. For this, you already have prioritized use case scenarios, which we elaborate and deliver pilot and source code.
Our team uses your data sources and available interfaces such as the Completion API or the Embeddings API. We match the potentials and risks of the GPT project with your customer journey. The solution is created in close collaboration with your team. The result is tangible and can be expanded in a modular way.

GPT in enterprise use
Do you have questions about Large Language Models?
Franziska Schleuter
Head of Data and AI