
MaibornWolff GmbH
Theresienhöhe 13
80339 Munich, Germany

Phone: +49 89 544 253 000
Fax: +49 89 544 253 099


Registration Court: Amtsgericht München
Registration Number: HRB 98058
USt.-Identifikations-Nr. DE 129 299 525
DUNS-Nummer 341155000

Responsible for content according to Section 6 of the Interstate Agreement on Media Services (MDStV) and ViSdPG: Holger Wolff

Disclaimer: despite carefully monitoring our content, we take no responsibility for the content of external links. The sole responsibility for the content of linked sites rests with the operators of those sites.

With the decision it issued on May 12, 1998 — AZ 312 O 85/98 — the District Court of Hamburg ruled that a website operator, by establishing links, shares responsibility for the content of sites it links to. This can only be prevented, according to the court, by expressly distancing one’s self from said content. Since we have no influence on the design or content of linked pages, we hereby expressly deny any liability for such web pages and their content. This disclaimer applies to all links appearing on our website and all content within the pages that these links lead to.

This website uses Matomo Cloud Analytics, a web analytics service provided by InnoCraft Ltd. Data about user behavior on this website is collected via first-party cookies; all data collected is stored on AWS servers in the EU and is only available to the website operator. IP addresses and user IDs are anonymized. InnoCraft holds no rights to users data collected by Matomo; no data is passed on to third parties. A refusal of data collection has no effect on the functionality of this website.

Image Credit: Fernando Terry, Philippe Schrettenbrunner, Alexandra Mesmer, Maiborn Wolff GmbH, Adobe Stock

Webdesign: Team23
Webentwicklung: Syde

Managing directors authorized to represent the company: Holger Wolff, Alexander Hofmann, Florian Theimer, Marcus Adlwart, Dr. Martina Beck, Christian Loos